Ok so like every dedicated girlfriend I think my boyfriends band is amazing, but his bands not like any other band out there. And i know what you thinking, I just think they good because I'm the girlfriend, but its not that, i heard Anti - Biotix when they were still Arkhum Insane Asylum, befor i dated "Harliac Arrest".
So what makes them so different to any other rap crew out there? They fall under a genre called Horror-core, which puts them in the same legue as rappers such as Necro (yuck), Vast aire, Boondox and I.C.P. So what is horrorcore? Its the craziest insanest grosses things you can think of put in a song. Although Anti falls in this catagoty, they are no where near as vile as necro (thank god!)
The band consists of 3 talented guys, Darren, Jarred and Peace who have been freind for so long thier periods are in sync :) Check out their Facebook profile http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Anti-Biotix-SA-HIP-HOPHorrorcore-Rap-Crew/138743249505075
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