Ok ok I know it’s been longer than a month since my last post, life has just gotten a bit crazy so here is a quick update of what has been going on recently.... The last few weeks have been especially hard on me emotionally. But yay happiness, amongst all the drama i had a birthday and have hit the horrid 23 mark...I’m getting so old! Hehehe...but despite my old age i still partied the night away...even lost a shoe in the process.
On a less happy note, I’ve been trying to deal with the death of my grandfather, and even though it’s been 4 years, it’s still hard for me to think that his gone, he was my everything. A better father, a best friend and a man that would love me no matter what. So after years of deliberating I had finally settled on the best way to remember him, is by getting a feather tattoo. Whoever doesn’t cry through a foot tattoo...you are either on drugs or not human!!!! It was one of the worst feelings of pain I have ever been through!!!! But I got it and now I will always have him with me.And for all of you who are going through a hard and unhappy time...keep your head held high and your chin up, there is always a rainbow at the end of the storm
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