It’s that time of year again! When everyone tries to think of the grossest, most outrageous outfit and if you are of the fairer kind, you will be looking for the skankiest outfit! Now just like my LBD drama (see previous posts) I have no clue what to wear or what to go as!
Since I was a little girl, I loved running around playing dress up! At 22 I still do! Every Halloween I come up with a billion ideas for the next year! It’s so hard for me to just settle on one idea! And I always have my final idea a couple hours before the party, and once I get there I wish I went as something else!
Well this year I’ve been zombie brain washed so I made my mind up that I will be a zombie something, the last few weeks I’ve been researching all kind of zombie stuffs…and I found this awesome website, go check it out http://www.myzombiepinup.com
So with 4 days to go to the party I have finally settled on a zombie bride, yeah, yeah I know it’s been done before, but it’s perfect! It mixes the beauty and innocence of a bride with man-eating blood thirsty zombies! Ooo sounds yummy…
So wish me luck! And I hope you all have a haunting happy time!
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